Tuesday, July 5, 2011

It was a Big Day

I just had to post .......ADAM IS FINALLY POTTY TRAINED! Seems like a very personal thing to write about, but somehow I know we are not the only ones who have had challenges with this topic so I have to share. Lee and I have tried EVERYTHING since we returned home from the Cheerios trick to "showing" him how to do it. We have encouraged, praised, and have spent countless hours sitting in the bathroom explaining exactly "how it is done". Let me tell you that listening to Lee explain peeing to a 4.5 year old has been hysterical! I bet we have even logged OVER 100 hours watching potty videos. (Favorite is Potty Power - very catchy tunes, be careful!) I had resolved a while ago that our little guy was holding on to his diaper because it was one thing he could control in his life. Can't blame him really. If my world had been Topsy Turvey since it began, I think I would enjoy the luxury of just allowing someone else to clean my butt for a while too!! Well, what finally did it was this.....A couple of weeks ago I bought tablets that turn your bath water colors. These colors meant everything to Adam - he loved them. If Adam "sat on the potty and tried", he got to pick out a color to throw into the tub and watch the water turn. We decided to change the rules a bit a couple of days ago and told him he could only pick a color if he actually WENT. That evoked a lot of drama, so the next day we simply said "No more Diapers!" (another song in the Potty Power Video). He ran around the house naked having a lot of fun for about the first 2 hours. Then he really started to agonize because he really need "to go". There were tears, there was "mommy, please!", he even sat on his diaper changing mat with his legs in the air and yelled "diaper!". It absolutely broke my heart to say No. Then, in the crying mess, he couldn't hold it any longer and went! Lee rushed him to toilet! We were cautious it was a fluke, but 5 minutes later he stood up and pee'd all by him self again into the toilet! I can't begin to explain how proud he looked. As if something finally clicked and it registered "I CAN DO THIS and IT's OKAY!". "I'M A BIG KID NOW" (another song on the Potty Power Video) It was relief on Lee's face that warmed my heart too. Lee has been trying so hard to help Adam and his patience and hard work finally paid off. Let's not forget that I had been also praying so hard recently asking for major guidance for me and encouragement for Adam. I love the power of prayer - it's amazing. Ever since that BIG DAY, Adam will jump up from whatever he is doing, run to the bathroom, and go! aaahhhh, I think I see a manicure in my future with the diaper $$$ Saved. One child down, and a Aggie to go! Literally! Good Luck to everyone out there in the midst of potty training. It WILL happen, just be patient. :)


Varda said...
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Adoptive Parents of Three said...

Congratulations on this major milestone. I know it's difficult to understand or believe, but this was actually a HUGE reason why we opted to adopt older children that were potty trained. I did not want to go through this agony in addition to the adoption issues.
When we adopted, our youngest had to wear a diaper at night. It was a bit tricky because he refused to GET into one before going to bed, so we had to wait until he was asleep and while he was asleep we changed him into a diaper. I HATED it!!!! Thankfully, we adopted an extremely stubborn child. Within 4 weeks we switched him to pull-ups at night, and on his first week back in the U.S. he insisted not to wear a diaper or pull-up at night. Never had an accident since!!!
I read your story, and I thank my lucky stars for this child.

(But then again, I'm not sharing with you the DOZENS of accidents his OLDER siblings have had and STILL DO!).

Laura and Brian said...

Congrats on the potty training! That is HUGE! Its funny, but boys are notoriously harder to train than girls in general and it all depends on not only readiness but whether they fight it or not. Our son (biological) didn't potty train until he was almost 4 and I had to end up leaving his diaper off for 1 1/2 days (long, long days) until he relented and used the potty. We tried rewards, videos, anticipation, you name it; but it took letting him feel and see how uncomfortable it was to really sink in. Only a couple of accidents and he was ready to try ;) Oh, and I must tell you though, this was for number 1- he already had been doing number 2 in the potty.

Potty training is no fun for anyone and the only thing that got me through it was that my friend (who had a boy a year older) reminded me that very few children go to kindergarten untrained and that yes, he would do it. Still, its a huge accomplishment for not only you parents, but also for him! He may still need nighttime pullups, but what a big boy moment! You can all be very proud :)

kelly said...

Congrats, what a big step! And yes, the savings is nice too :-) Our son also trained himself for #2 about 7 months before #1, I thought that was a bit strange, but it worked for him.

Heidi said...

Congratulations Adam! What a big milestone.

Anonymous said...

That was the most fun I've read in a long time! Are any of these videos on line? Dominik will only sit on the toilet, standing is just too traumatic! lol

Tom and Kara said...

Oh my gosh Martha, what a story!!!!!! From Lee explaining how its done to Adam laying down and requesting a diaper, that sounds like a bigger journey than the one to Poland. CONGRATULATIONS to your house! :) Potty party time!

James and Melanie said...

So, so, so happy to read this! Go Adam!!! We think BJ finally hit the hump too!! He's been giving us little hints that he is finally ready. For example, he LOVES to swim and I told him that if he swims he CANNOT go potty in the the pool, pee or poop! He got it because when he got out he said "Mom, pee pee!" We put him on the potty and he went. Also, just today we were eating at a restaraunt and he said "Poo poo, I poo poo!" I thought he was telling us he already went, but actually was telling us he had to go. I took him and he went in the potty like a big boy!!!! I was thrilled!!! So the big boy pants are coming out full tilt now because I think the only reason he is being lazy about the potty is because he knows his diapers are going to pick up the slack! I'll let you know how it goes. Tell Adam Miss Melanie says "Woohoo way to be a BIG BOY!"

Jennifer said...

OK. I am going to have to get that video. My youngest is only 20 months, but maybe it will help when the time comes.......

sarah said...

Woo hoo, Adam! Milestones come in all shapes and sizes, but this is indeed a big one!

C Speh said...

Hooray--I have to say we are still struggling with this. Mine may well go to kindergarten and not be potty trained. But she has been without diapers for a year now.

I loved the story.

momtobe said...

Great story!!! I will have to definately get that video when our time comes!