Court lasted about 1 1/2 hours and was a little stressful. Mommy was in front of the judge for about 1/2 hour being asked various questions about our adoption and the children. I was nervous, but must have answered the questions correctly because the outcome was wonderful! Two beautiful gifts from above were given!
Following court, we immediately left for Warsaw and are now in the process of getting settled and transitioning again to new surroundings. There is so much to explore in this fantastic city!
What a wonderful thing to wake up to. I can't believe how fast that was. It seems like you just got there! Enjoy your time, I am sure the spring is beautiful there! Congratulations
Praise God! Welcome, welcome, newest Weyers! We are shedding tears of joy for all of you! How very awesome and exciting! We continue our prayers as you continue your journey.
Beth and Jenny
Congratulations, Martha and Lee! It's sweet you gave them your middle names.
Martha and Lee -
What an amazing feeling! We are so happy for you and hope that you enjoy the rest of your time in Poland as a new family. Keep the updates coming!
-Krystyna and Alex
Congratulations, Weyers Family!! Enjoy springtime in Warsaw - it is just a matter of time before you are all HOME!
Congrats!!! Fantastic news!!! I love your family picture :-) Enjoy your time in Warsaw, I'm sure you'll get lots of advice on where you can go & what you can do with your children. Have fun!
YEAH Weyers Family!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations, congratulations!!! So happy for you! What a miracle. The picture of you all in front of the courthouse, it looks like you have been a family of 4 forever. Best wishes!!!!
Congratulations! Very exciting. How was the travel back to Warsaw with the kids?
Martha, I am so happy for you both!!! How awesome that you get to spend all this time with them just being together! I know everyone tells you to cherish these times, and it's so true, they grow so quickly!!! What a beautiful family! I'm truly ecstatic for you all!
Susan Diamond
My heart is soaring for you right now. After such a long wait for your travel date, I'm thrilled that they are legally your children. Have a great time in Warsaw!
Glory Be! How wonderful that you're in your final stages and will be home soon, together as a family.
I don't know where you're staying in Warsaw, but if need a fairly inexpensive grocery story (compared to the fairly expensive ones ;) there's a chain in one of the malls and I think it's called Carrfore or something along those lines.
Can't wait to hear about your travels home. Best Wishes!
Yeah! How Wonderful! I'm so happy for you to have that stressful hour and 1/2 behind you! I remember it being such a relief when we were finished! Congrats Weyers Family!
God is GOOD! You have been so richly blessed. We miss you and wait with open arms to greet your entire family when you return home. Happy Spring!
MAZAL TOV! So happy to read these news. Enjoy your stay in Warsaw during spring time. I'm so jealous! Take your kids to the zoo and post some photos.
Enjoy these precious moments with your new kiddos.
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